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Kevin Edwards
Amazing! I am absolutely amazed at how such a gentle focused approach to fascia work can have such amazing results. After only 3 sessions I am much more flexible, have better posture and movement, and the best is almost completely pain free after years of chronic back and hip pain! I will be a regular client for sure.
Leslie van Berkum
Open and balanced I began with a 10 session series that worked every part of my body; I felt so open, balanced, and flexible after I finished that I have made rolfing sessions with Kelly part of my health plan. She is gentle and intuitive and incredibly knowledgeable. Highly recommended!
Thank you Terri My dear friend Terri told me about Kelly and all the positive benefits she has experienced from being Rolfed. After suffering from debilitating hip pain for over a year I thankfully decided to book an appointment. Prior to my visit the idea of running was not a possibility. After just one session I was able to jog. I am pain free and have no physical limitations. I refer everybody I know who complains about aches or pains to Kelly! Thank you Terri and Kelly!